FONTANA – LEONCILLO forma della materia

Fondazione Carriero, Milano
Curated by Francesco Stocchi. The exhibition FONTANA ● LEONCILLO form of the material – the second since the opening of the Foundation – presented an unprecedented path and new interpretations of the work of two great Italian masters of our time: Leoncillo Leonardi (Spoleto, 1915 – Rome, 1968) and Lucio Fontana (Rosary of Santa Fé, Argentina, 1899 – Comabbio, 1968). A corpus of about forty works in total, created between the 1930s and the 1960s, proposed not a comparison between artists, but a real meeting between two great protagonists of Italian art.
1 May 2016
Sulla scena del crimine
14 August 2016
“Panorama” di Francesco Jodice