Bittersweet Symphony

Galleria Campari, Sesto San Giovanni (Milano)

Bittersweet Symphony è un’esposizione sensoriale interattiva che coniuga le arti figurative con altre discipline, dalla musica al cinema, passando per la moda e l’alta profumeria, in un percorso coinvolgente i cinque sensi, alla scoperta delle due anime che convivono armoniosamente nel Campari: la Dolcezza e l’Amarezza.

PH Cristian Parravicini
Bittersweet Symphony is an interactive sensorial exhibition that combines the figurative arts with other disciplines, from music to cinema, passing through fashion and haute perfumery, in a journey involving the five senses, to discover the two souls that live harmoniously in Campari : Sweetness and Bitterness.
Conceived as an itinerary along an archipelago of sensory islands, with seven different moments that placed the visitor in the conditions to make a choice between opposites, the path offered a journey to discover oneself through an immersive experience, where not only to observe , but also touching, using the sense of smell, listening and tasting, capable of capturing all the senses: the gaze through contemporary art, cinema and costume; hearing with multiple musical genres; the sense of smell through refined artisan perfumes; the taste with small tastings for the palate, and the touch with different materials to “explore”.
20 December 2016
Kounellis e il teatro
23 December 2016
Due Mondi