Galleria Borghese | BERNINI

Galleria Borghese, Roma

Curated by Andrea Bacchi and Anna Coliva.
open to the public: extended until 20 February 2018.

On the occasion of the twenty years since his reopening, the Borghese Gallery is pleased to present, together with FENDI as institutional partner, the great exhibition dedicated to Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of its reopening, the Borghese Gallery will inaugurate a large exhibition dedicated to Gian Lorenzo Bernini which will follow the critical discourse initiated with the “Bernini sculptor” exhibition, which was created twenty years ago. The Villa, which contains the most important and spectacular nucleus of Bernini marble, is in fact the ideal location to consider the whole production of the artist and the complex problems connected to it.

The main theme of the exhibition is therefore the privileged scene of sculpture at the Borghese Gallery, and its genius is Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Going through the whole span of his long career, we intend to give completeness to that 1998 project that specifically examined the youthful activity of the great artist, with an in-depth investigation on the ways and times of the affirmation of Bernini’s monumental sculpture and the breadth of its consequences, also through a precise focus of the close painting-sculpture relationship from which, in the 1920s, the language currently defined Baroque was formulated.

The individual sections of the exhibition will be entrusted to specialists who have been working for some time on the great artist or on particular aspects of his career or on the role he played within the wider Baroque phenomenon (Andrea Bacchi, Maria Giulia Barberini, Anna Coliva , Anne-Lise Desmas, Luigi Ficacci, Stefano Pierguidi).

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